GAAHBSU 39TH Annual Legislative Conference

The Georgia Alumni Association of Historically Black State Universities 39th Annual Legislative Conference will be held VIRTUALLY on February 6-8, 2024. This year’s theme is “Reclaiming Our Time: Taking Back What Belongs To Us”. GAAHBSU is a partnerships of the three state National Alumni Associations, Inc. of Albany State, Fort Valley State and Savannah State Universities. This year, Fort Valley State University is the conference host. We’re encouraging our alumni to register for the conference and purchase ads. Ads can be purchased for a business, personal or alumni chapter.

ADS: $35 / DEADLINE: Must be submitted by Friday, January 26, 2024. Camera-ready ads or inquiries for ad design may be sent to Mr. Garren Walker at

BY MAIL: GAAHBSU, C/O Mr. Kenneth Dandy, 1200 Regency Center Drive, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30331